Next event: Sunday 2nd March 2025
New venue: K2 Crawley, Pease Pottage Hill, Crawley, RH11 9BQ
"I was like a kid in a candy store... the place was bursting with top-flight dealers in vintage audio gear, components, valves, vinyl, open reel tapes - you name it. What staggered me most were the true rarities"
You never know what might turn up at an Audiojumble event...

Turntables are always popular at the Audiojumble. From Garrard 301s and 401s to Thorens, Transcriptors, Technics, Goldring Lencos and Linn Sondeks. SME and Ortofon items make regular appearances, along with more cartridges than you could shake a tonearm at.

Whether you are looking for vintage or modern, valve or solid-state, the Audiojumble is a great place to find your next amplifier. You will often see Quads, Leaks and Radfords offered for sale alongside Naims, Missions and Krells. Obscure valve amps from the golden era of hi-fi are a speciality.

Lowthers, Goodmans, Spendors, KEFs, Celestions, Rogers, B&Ws and Tannoys of all colours have been known to surface at the Audiojumble. A super rare corner Tannoy GRF turned up a few years ago! You will find complete speakers, empty cabinets and plenty of drive units for sale.

The resurgence of vinyl has been noticeable at the Audiojumble in recent years. If you like rummaging through boxes of second-hand records to find an elusive gem or if you want to buy brand new unopened vinyl from a specialist dealer then you won't be disappointed.
Other hi-fi separates

CD players, tuners, reel-to-reel machines, pre-amps, DACs, DATS, cassette players, mixers, power supplies, headphones of all shapes and sizes. Some will be in full working order, while others are sold for spares/repairs.
And lots more!

Cables, valves, transformers, 8-track tapes, laserdiscs, microphones, books, spare components, musical instruments, vintage radios, gramophones, radiograms - you name it... you never know what you might find!